Academic Connections 2: Student Books with MyAcademicConnectionsLab

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  • Đổi trả hàng trong vòng 7 ngày
  • Sử dụng mỗi 3.000 BBxu để được giảm 10.000đ. Làm sao để lấy BBxu?
  • Freeship nội thành Sài Gòn từ 150.000đ*. Chi tiết tại đây
  • Freeship toàn quốc từ 250.000đ
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  • {{item.RealPriceStr}} {{item.PriceStr}} -{{item.DiscountPercent}}%


    • Nhà xuất bản: Pearson
    • Ngày xuất bản: 13/08/2009
    • Nhà phát hành: CDIMEX
    • Kích thước: 20.0 x 25.0 cm
    • Số trang: 158 trang
    • Trọng lượng: 322 gram

    Giới thiệu sản phẩm

    Level 2 of Academic Connections has a systematic step-by-step approach that helps students devlop their academic and test-taking skills. It is provided with a MyEnglishLab online component. 
    Table of Contents
    Unit 1 Psychology: First Impressions and Attraction 
    Unit 2 Ecology: The Web of Life
    Unit 3 Health: Stress and Health
    Unit 4 Literature: Folktales 
    Unit 5 Chemistry: Green Chemistry
    Unit 6 Art History: The Art of Marc Chagall
    Unit 7 Marketing: Niche Marketing
    Unit 8 Communication: Nonverbal Communication
    Academic Connections is a four-level integrated skills course designed for students preparing for academic study as well as for standardized tests such as the TOEFL®test. A systematic, step-by-step approach helps students develop and sharpen their language, academic, and test-taking abilities.

    Academic Connections was developed with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is based on extensive research into the actual language demands of higher education.

    Academic Connections is:

    Integrated. Academic Connections integrates all four language skills and teaches students how to integrate skills and content in real-world academic contexts.
    Academic. Explicit, step-by-step academic skill development leads to student mastery. With careful instruction and engaging practice tasks, students learn how to organize information, make connections, and think critically.
    Authentic. High-interest and intellectually stimulating authentic material familiarizes students with academic content. Authentic tasks include listening to lectures, note-taking, participating in debates, preparing oral and written reports, and writing essays.
    Assessment-Based. Academic Connections provides a variety of assessments and practice opportunities based upon individual needs.
    The Audio CD is available separately.

    Online Component - MyAcademicConnectionsLab

    MyAcademicConnectionsLab, an integral part of the Academic Connections series, is an easy-to-use online program for students and teachers that saves time and improves results.
    Students receive personalized instruction and practice. Reading and listening selections and test preparation are all in one place - available anywhere, anytime.
    Teachers can take advantage of content and class management resources including online assessments, a flexible gradebook, and tools for monitoring student progress.


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    • Với mỗi nhận xét được duyệt, tặng ngay:
      • 200 BBxu cho khách hàng chưa mua hàng tại Bookbuy
      • 400 BBxu cho khách hàng đã từng mua hàng tại Bookbuy
    • Để được duyệt BBxu, nhận xét của bạn cần đáp ứng các điều kiện:
      • Độ dài tối thiểu 100 từ, viết bằng tiếng Việt chuẩn, có dấu.
      • Nội dung là duy nhất và do chính người gửi nhận xét viết.
      • Hữu ích đối với người đọc: nêu rõ điểm tốt/chưa tốt của sản phẩm.
      • Không mang tính quảng cáo, kêu gọi mua sản phẩm một cách không cần thiết.

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