Q: Skills for Success 1 Listening & Speaking Student Book with Student Access Code Card

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    • Nhà xuất bản: Oxford
    • Ngày xuất bản: Đang cập nhật
    • Nhà phát hành: CDIMEX
    • Kích thước: 20.0 x 25.5 cm
    • Số trang: 213 trang
    • Trọng lượng: 600 gram

    Giới thiệu sản phẩm

    Q: Skills for Success 1 Listening & Speaking Student Book with Student Access Code Card


    Q: Skills for Success is a six-level series with two strands, Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking. The series provides students with:
    Clearly identifed learning outcomes that focus students on the goal of instructio


    It is not easy  to find an appropriate textbook for an ESL/EFL listening and speaking class without needing to supplement for uncovered points. Q: Skills for Success 1 Listening and Speaking is a great source for teaching a listening and speaking class in addition to working on developing other language skills. It offers essential topics for beginner ESL/EFL learners and is especially suitable for beginner-level adult learners to help them develop the communicative language skills that they need in their daily life as well as in academic settings.
    Eman Elturki, Washington State University

    The series is especially designed for promoting the mastery of integrated skills to ESL learners' of various levels in a way that is learner-centered, meaningful and communicative as well as providing a foundation of balanced instruction through combination of findings of current theory and research. The series features many useful components including A Testing Program CD-ROM, Access code to register for Q Online Practice, Digital Workbook, and Teacher's handbook.
    Jacqueline Church & Pakize Uldag, TESL-EJ, Vol. 15


    About the Author

    Jaimie Scanlon holds a master's degree in TESOL and teaching French from the School for International Training, where she concentrated on language pedagogy, applied linguistics, and curriculum design. Over the past 15 years, she has taught English to learners of all ages, and has trained English teachers in Asia, Eastern Europe and the U.S.


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