Smile 1 (New Ed.): Student Book

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  • Đổi trả hàng trong vòng 7 ngày
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    • Nhà xuất bản: Macmillan
    • Ngày xuất bản: Đang cập nhật
    • Nhà phát hành: CDIMEX
    • Kích thước: 21.0 x 27.0 cm
    • Số trang: Đang cập nhật
    • Trọng lượng: 380 gram

    Giới thiệu sản phẩm

    Smile children's English textbooks, complete a total of six. 
    The main characteristics of the new textbooks 
    Learning to Learn --- help students achieve "self" is one of the goals of teaching. In the new version the increase in Progress Diary <English grow diary> and Fine Out <Knowledge Exploration> activities, the use of hands to do, collecting and collating information, students independent learning attitude. 

    Multiple Intelligence --- because each person must be in the process of learning music with varying degrees through its own space mathematical logic, body movements, language, and other interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence to achieve effective learning, the authors use activities and more aspects of guidance and stimulation to meet the needs of students of various classes. Smile new version will not only increase vocabulary flash cards, the use of a large number of color photos and text matching, as well as to re-enrich the real soundtrack songs and recordings to enhance students' interest in learning. 
    Communicative Approach --- to communicate the new version retains the original teaching of the principles of pairing or group activities, which have been used in the classroom, has proven to be really help students become real language users in different contexts, to the purpose of the communication. In addition, the new extra "game poster", so that students in the game can naturally learn the language. 

    Big Mixed Level Classes --- Smile curriculum design itself moderate progress, the number of design activity for more classes simultaneously. The new version adds the Progress Diary <English grow diary> let the low level students can complete the exercises in accordance with its own level and speed, and the high degree students to have space to play and train fluency. 
    Encouragement and Motivation --- re-soundtrack songs, games and activities, including physical activity and DIY craft and other interesting design that can effectively encourage students to express themselves. Course content will not only link the general theme of everyday life through Dizzy small dinosaur, the new version adds the Dizzy Muppet leaving English learning activities to life again. 

    Cross-curricular Approach --- Smile 
    Five, six volumes in the exercise of this new Fine Out <Knowledge Exploration> activities, plus five or six volumes of textbooks in many different areas of knowledge presentation <such as science, music, world geography, national cuisine, world history and culture of ancient civilizations > will not only increase the breadth of learning English, but the implementation of interdisciplinary teaching goals, and to develop students' worldview. In addition, one to four units included in the festival so that students can learn to celebrate all kinds of different festivals.


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